Meet The Maker - Sarah Berger

Meet The Maker - Sarah Berger


Orange Sloth Art is the work of Sarah Berger, who makes wearable art out of found papers rescued from the recycling stream. Current obsessive circle-cutting includes old maps and atlases, old wrapping paper, 1960s children’s encyclopedias, sheet music, acidified paperbacks, and Domino Sugar packaging. No copies or reproductions. She also experiments with original designs and messages. Her work is paper and wood, acrylic-sealed for permanence. In addition to making wearable art, Sarah’s work includes classical singing, teaching, and fiction writing. She is a recent graduate of the University of Baltimore’s MFA program in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts, and she recently published her MFA thesis fiction collection, The Magic Tampon Machine and Other Stories, under the label Orange Sloth Press.

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