Who is Indiana Glass Company?
Who is Indiana Glass Company?
Indiana Glass Company manufactured pressed, blown and hand-molded glassware and tableware for almost 100 years. The company started in 1907, when a group of investors led by Frank W. Merry formed a company to buy the Dunkirk glass plant that belonged to the bankrupt National Glass Company.
Indiana Glass Company mostly made tableware, lamps, and vases although it had additional products. Collectors consider the company a manufacturer of Depression glass, Goofus glass, and Carnival glass. One well known customer was the A&W drive-in chain that featured their root beer in Indiana Glass made mugs.
Indiana Glass continued operating in Dunkirk until November 2002, when the plant was closed. Although a glass plant owned by an affiliated company continued operating in Oklahoma under the name Indiana Glass Company, that plant was part of a sale to another glass company in late 2007.
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