White papercut print on blue background depicting Baltimore cityscape
White papercut print on green background depicting a garden: "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow"
White papercuts on matte colored backgrounds, various themes
White papercut print on red background depicting a snowball stand
White papercut print on gray background depicting Baltimore within a heart: "People are good"
White papercut print on blue background depicting Baltimore cityscape
White papercut print on green background depicting a garden: "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow"
White papercuts on matte colored backgrounds, various themes
White papercut print on red background depicting a snowball stand
White papercut print on gray background depicting Baltimore within a heart: "People are good"

Annie Howe Papercuts Print (8"x10")

Red (Snowball Stand)
Green (Garden)
Blue (Baltimore Cityscape)
Gray (Baltimore Heart)
Choose one of 4 different themes from these charming white papercut prints (8 inches x 10 inches): Snowball Stand, Baltimore Heart, Baltimore Cityscape, Garden. Annie Howe Papercuts expertly crafts whimsical paper-cut designs for cards, prints, tote bags, and more!